Francis Newton SouzaHead of a Man, 1958Signed and dated 'SOUZA 58' on top rightOil on board29.5 x 23 inchesCourtesy of Dhoomimal GalleryCopyright The Artist
Francis Newton SouzaHead, 1963Signed and dated 'Souza 63' on top rightOil on linen pasted on canvas30 x 19 inchesCourtesy of Dhoomimal GalleryCopyright The Artist
Francis Newton SouzaUntitled, 1966Signed and dated 'Souza 1966' on top leftMixed media on paper16 x 10.5 inchesCourtesy of Dhoomimal GalleryCopyright The Artist
Sailoz MookherjeaUntitledSigned 'Sailoz Mookherjea' on top rightOil on board24.5 x 18 inches
Jamini RoyUntitled (Sitting Woman)Singed 'Jamini Roy' in Bnagla on lower rightTempera on paper26 x 15 inchesCourtesy of Dhoomimal GalleryCopyright The Artist
Amrita Sher-GilSketch II, 1935Tempera on plyboard23 x 15.5 inchesCourtesy of Dhoomimal GalleryCopyright The Artist
K. H. AraUntitledSigned 'ARA' on lower leftOil on canvas18 x 24 inchesCourtesy of Dhoomimal GalleryCopyright The Artist
Maqbool Fida HusainUntitled, Circa 1980Acrylic on board15 x 26 inchesCourtesy of Dhoomimal GalleryCopyright The Artist
A. A. AlmelkarUntitled, 1978Signed and dated in Devanagri 'Almelkar 78' on lower rightOil on canvas31 x 55.5 inchesCourtesy of Dhoomimal GalleryCopyright The Artist
A. P. SanthanarajUntitledSigned 'Santhanraj' on lower rightAcrylic on canvas35 x 47 inches
A. RamachandranUntitled, 2007Signed and dated 'RAMACHANDRAN 2007' on lower rightOil on canvas18 x 18 inchesCourtesy of Dhoomimal GalleryCopyright The Artist
A. RamachandranStudies From Rajasthan, 2006Signed and dated 'RAMACHANDRAN 2006' on lower right. Further signed, dated and inscribed 'Ramachandran, 2006, Studies from Rajasthan' on versoOil on canvas18 x 18 inchesCourtesy of Dhoomimal GalleryCopyright The Artist
A. RamachandranUntitled, 2006Signed and dated 'RAMACHANDRAN 2006' on lower rightOil on canvas18 x 18 inchesCourtesy of Dhoomimal GalleryCopyright The Artist
Sakti BurmanUntitled, 1966Signed and dated 'SAKTi BURMAN/66' on lower leftOil on canvas19 x 33.5 inchesCourtesy of Dhoomimal GalleryCopyright The Artist
Satish Gujraluntitled, 2012Signed in Devnagari 'Gujral' on lower right and signed and dated on versoMixed media on canvas35 x 35 inchesCourtesy of Dhoomimal GalleryCopyright The Artist
Shanti DaveUntitled, 2004Signed and dated 'Shanti Dave 97-04' on lower rightOil and encaustic on canvas39.5 x 45 inchesCourtesy of Dhoomimal GalleryCopyright The Artist
Jagdish SwaminathanUntitled, 1992Signed and dated in devnagari 'Swaminathan 92' on versoOil on canvas32 x 46 inchesCourtesy of Dhoomimal GalleryCopyright The Artist
Bimal DasguptaUntitled, 1986Signed and dated 'B. Dasgupta 86' on lower rightOil on canvas48 x 48 inches
Sankho ChaudhuriUntitledBronze16 x 2.5 x 3.5 inchesCourtesy of Dhoomimal GalleryCopyright The Artist
Sankho ChaudhuriUntitledBronze14'' x 6.7'' x 1.5''Courtesy of Dhoomimal GalleryCopyright The Artist
Prabhakar BarweUntitled , 1956Watercolour and ink on paper8.5 x 8.5 inchesCourtesy of Dhoomimal GalleryCopyright The Artist
Prabhakar BarweUntitled , 1956Watercolour and ink on paper12 x 9 inchesCourtesy of Dhoomimal GalleryCopyright The Artist
Prabhakar BarweUntitled , 1956Watercolour on paper10.5'' x 7''Courtesy of Dhoomimal GalleryCopyright The Artist
Prabhakar BarweShankar Parvati , 1956Watercolour on paper12.75'' 9.75''Courtesy of Dhoomimal GalleryCopyright The Artist
Prabhakar BarweUntitled , 1981Signed and dated '' Parbhakar Barwe 1981'' on lower rightWatercolour on paper5.60'' x 5''Courtesy of Dhoomimal GalleryCopyright The Artist
Prabhakar BarweUntitled , 1981Signed and dated ''Parbhkar Barwe '' on lower rightWatercolour on paper8.75'' x 3.75''Courtesy of Dhoomimal GalleryCopyright The Artist
Prabhakar BarweUntitled , 1981Signed and dated '' Prabhkar Barwe 1981'' on lower rightWatercolour on paper8'' x 5.25''Courtesy of Dhoomimal GalleryCopyright The Artist
Prabhakar BarweUntitled , 1981Signed and dated '' Prabhakar Barwe 1981 '' on lower rightWatercolour on paper9.5'' x 5.5''Courtesy of Dhoomimal GalleryCopyright The Artist
Prabhakar BarweUntitled, 1981Signed and dated '' Prabhakar Barwa 1981'' on lower rightWatercolour on paper9.5'' x 5.5''Courtesy of Dhoomimal GalleryCopyright The Artist
Raki NikahetiyaBlack Box II, 2022Hand embroidery on cloth105 x 96 inchesCourtesy of Dhoomimal GalleryCopyright The Artist
Harshwardhan DevtaleKaularu, 2019Signed and dated 'Devtale 14 July 19' on lower rightWatercolour on Paper35 x 24 inchesCourtesy of Dhoomimal GalleryCopyright The Artist
Harshwardhan DevtaleTurn to School, 2022Signed and Dated " Harshwardhan'' 28-2-2022 in Devanagari Lower RightWatercolour on Paper35'' x 25''Courtesy of Dhoomimal GalleryCopyright The Artist
Hemant RaoUntitled, 2024Signed and dated 'Hemanta 24' on versoDry pastel on canvas36 x 48 inchesCourtesy of Dhoomimal GalleryCopyright The Artist
Dheeraj YadavInvitation - 24, 2015Signed and dated on lower portionsMixed media on paper (set of 24)10 x 4.5 inches (each)
Ravi ChaurasiyaLand of living part - 1, 2024Signed and dated 'RAVi CHAURASIYA 2024' on lower rightGouache on cloth pasted on sunboard24 x 24 inchesCourtesy of Dhoomimal GalleryCopyright The Artist
Archibald Herman MüllerUntitledSigned 'A. H. Müller' on lower rightOil on canvas35.5 x 53.5 inchesCourtesy of Dhoomimal GalleryCopyright The Artist
Jeram PatelUntitled , 1990Signed and dated 'JERAM PATEL 05' on lower right and on versoOil on canvas31 x 43 inchesCourtesy of Dhoomimal GalleryCopyright The Artist
Amarnath SehgalUntitled , 1975Signed and dated '' Sehgal 1975'' on bottamBronze6'' x 3.5'' x 2''Courtesy of Dhoomimal GalleryCopyright The Artist
Jeff KoonsBalloon Dog (Yellow), 2015Signed and numbered on versoPorcelain with chromatic coating10.5 x 10.5 x 5 inches
1763/2300Courtesy of Dhoomimal GalleryCopyright The Artist -
K. G. SubramanyanUntitledWood, Leather and beads2 3/4 x 2 1/2 x 6 3/4 in
7 x 6.3 x 17.1 cmCourtesy of Dhoomimal GalleryCopyright The Artist -
A. A. AlmelkarUntitledSigned 'Almelkar' on lower leftOil on canvas30 x 36 inchesCourtesy of Dhoomimal GalleryCopyright The Artist
Shovin BhattacharjeeBlossom, 2021Wood, stainless steel, crystal stones and aluminum74 x 16 x 16 inchesCourtesy of Dhoomimal GalleryCopyright The Artist
Satyaranjan DasEndless Effort I, 2024Signed and dated 'Satyaranjan Das 24' on lower leftMixed media on paper and board48 x 72 inchesCourtesy of Dhoomimal GalleryCopyright The Artist
G. R. SantoshUntitledSigned 'Shabir Santosh' on lower rightPrint on paper20 x 15 inchesCourtesy of Dhoomimal GalleryCopyright The Artist
G. R. SantoshUntitledSigned 'Shabir Santosh' on lower rightPrint on paper20 x 15 inchesCourtesy of Dhoomimal GalleryCopyright The Artist
Arpita SinghUntitledSigned 'Arpita Singh' on versoCeramics12.5 inches (diameter)
Courtesy of Dhoomimal GalleryCopyright The Artist -
Himmat ShahUntitledTerracotta13.5 x 13.5 x 10.5 inchesCourtesy of Dhoomimal GalleryCopyright The Artist