L-R - A 'modern experimental' play by a local theratre company at Regal Theater Cinema (Homai Vyarawalla, HV Archive/ The Alkazi Collection of Photography), Dhoomimal Dharamdas at A Block, 1963 (Madan Mahatta), The Pearl Necklace (Homai Vyarawalla, HV Archive/ The Alkazi Collection of Photography), Queen Elizabeth II at fashion show organized by the wives of diplomats at the Central Cottage industries in Delhi, 1961 (Homai Vyarawalla, HV Archive/ The Alkazi Collection of Photography), Laura Hamilton, The well known singer from Britan performing at the Regal Theatre (Cinema) 1960s, (Homai Vyarawalla, HV Archive/ The Alkazi Collection of Photography), A woman in a saree with a pouffe hairstyle browses through books and catalogues at an art exhibition in New Delhi, c 1965 (Richard Barthalomew)
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