An artist cum educationist who belonged to the early school of academic realism, VS Adurkar had an affinity for the scenic but he was also a great watercolourist.

V.S. Adurkar held a Diploma in Painting and Art Master in Teaching from Sir J.J. School of Art, Bombay.

He studied painting at the Slade School ( London ) in 1936 and was the first Indian artist to be made Associate of the Royal College of Arts (London ) and Royal Society of Painters –Etchers –Engravers ( London ). He was the first Indian Director of Sir J.J. School of Art (1947-53 ).

He headed the Sir J.J. School of Art for quite some time until his retirement, from 1947 to 53, to be precise. Many stalwarts of the modern Indian painting including the progressives studied under him.